Administrative Regulation 11.06-4

SUBJECT: Paving of Limerock Roads ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Works


The following outlines the policy of the Citrus County Board of Commissioners with respect to upgrading County Limerock roads with the application of one inch of Superpave 9.5 asphalt. 


The road to be upgraded must meet the following stipulations:
  1. Must currently be owned and maintained by the County. 
  2. Drainage control and the traveled way must be attainable within the existing County right-of-way. 
  3. The existing limerock base must be of a substantial thickness to require only minimal addition of limerock for paving. 
  4. Must connect to an existing paved County maintained road subject to the following provision. If the road to be upgraded does not connect to an existing paved County maintained road, the connecting unpaved County maintained road shall be included in the petition for assessment if the length of the unpaved connecting road is no greater than 500 feet from an existing paved County maintained road provided all other requirements and criteria are met.

  1.  The Department of Public Works will calculate annually the average cost per front foot to cover the cost of preparation and application of limerock, sandseal, and one inch of Superpave 9.5 asphalt. The average cost calculated to be used to determine the amount to be charged benefited property owners for all projects initiated during the following fiscal year will be subject to approval of the Citrus County Board of Commissioners.
  2. A property owner on the road to be upgraded must request in writing that the road be considered for the program. The request is to be submitted to the Citrus County Public Works Department / Road Maintenance Division. The property owner submitting the request will be the Spokesperson for those in favor of the proposed project. A representative from the Department of Public Works / Road Maintenance Division will meet with the Spokesperson to accomplish the following: 
    1. Inspect the road to assure all criteria are satisfied.
    2. Inform the Spokesperson of the per front foot cost and procedure to be followed to implement the program. 
  3. If the owners of improved property wish to proceed, they will file a "Petition for Street Paving", with the Citrus County Public Works Department / Land Section. The petition form will be provided by the County and will state the installment interest rate, cost per front foot and the payment terms. Fifty-one percent (51%) of the owners of improved property in the assessment area must sign the petition. The completed petition is to be returned to the Public Works Department / Land Section by August 1 to be considered in the following fiscal year's program. The deadline date for petition submittal may be changed and notice of such change provided to the public in order to meet budget or legal constraints. The Public Works Department / Land Section will send to those owners of improved property who signed the petition, a form to verify their signature. The form will be returned to the Public Works Department / Land Section prior to the advertisement for any public hearing on the proposed project.
  4. The Public Works Department / Land Section will request a tax roll for the project area from the Property Appraiser's Office. The Public Works Department / Land Section will determine the front footage for each parcel affected by the paving project and provide the information to the Property Appraiser's Office and the Department of Public Works. Corner lots may be assessed a reduced front footage amount equal to one-half (1/2) of the combined length of all affected sides if more than one affected side is subject to assessment in the same year or over multiple years. Any assessment disputes resulting from unique or non-typical lots will be resolved by the Board of County Commissioners. The Property Appraiser's Office will provide the final assessments to the affected property owners if the project is approved by the County Commission. 
  5. The Public Works Department / Land Section will initiate the public hearing process, prepare the necessary resolutions and meeting dates and public notices pursuant to Citrus County Ordinance No. 2005-A13, codified as Chapter 86, Citrus County Code of Ordinances and Chapter 197, Florida Statutes. 

  1. The total cost to the property owners for paving roads can be equally distributed over a seven (7) year period. If the property owner(s) wish to "pay in full", they must do so within 30 days of the approval of the project by the County Commission to avoid any interest or penalties. If not paid in full, said assessments shall be divided into seven (7) equal annual installments together with interest and administrative fees of 5% of the annual installment payment (2% for Tax Collector, 2% for Property Appraiser and 1% for County Assessment Coordinator). Equal annual installments will appear on the property tax bill. These costs will be subject to issuance of tax certificates for any unpaid assessment.
  2. A public hearing will be conducted before the Citrus County Commissioners to afford property owners affected by the proposed road upgrade, the opportunity to express support or to object to the project. Said public hearing will be conducted only if the signed petition consisting of 51% of the owners of improved property is presented to the Public Works Department / Land Section by the Spokesperson. Each improved property parcel may be represented by only one petitioner in determining the aforementioned 51%. Owners of improved property with more than one improved parcel in the proposed project will cast one vote for each improved parcel owned.
  3. At the public hearing, the Public Works Department will present the project cost and the Public Works Department / Land Section will provide the assessments for the property affected. The assessment for each affected property will be mailed to the owner by the Public Works Department / Land Section prior to the public hearing.
  4. The Public Works Department will provide a proposed schedule for project completion at the public hearing. 
  5. Upon approval of the project by the County Commission, a lien will be placed by the County on each parcel of property or lot benefiting from the project. The lien will be recorded in the Public Records of Citrus County to assure payment of the assessment by the property owners. If the assessment is paid within 30 days of the approval date, no interest or penalties will be charged, and the Clerk of the Board will issue a Satisfaction of Lien. 

  1. Budget and operational constraints may limit the total miles to be upgraded during each fiscal year.
  2. The costs of limerock, sandseal, and asphalt will be determined by the prices quoted in the County's annual bidding procedure.
  3. This program assumes that the placement of asphalt on an existing limerock roadway requires no permitting. Should permitting be required in the future, the project may be delayed to determine whether it should be modified to include engineering and permitting expenses or, perhaps, be terminated.
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AR NO. 11.06-4
  1. A property owner (Spokesperson) on a road to be upgraded must request in writing that the road be considered for this program and submit it to the Citrus County Public Works Department / Road Maintenance Division.
  2. The Department of Public Works / Road Maintenance Division will meet with the Spokesperson to accomplish the following:
    1. Inspect the road to assure all criteria is satisfied. 
    2. Inform the Spokesperson of the per front foot cost and procedure for implementing the program.
  3. The Owners of Improved Property are to sign the Petition for Street Paving furnished to them by the County.
  4. Follow the instructions listed under PROCEDURE in the Administration Regulation policy.
  5. Read the entire Administration Regulation for Paving of Limerock Roads.
  6. If you have any questions, call Citrus County Department of Public Works / Road Maintenance Division at 527-7610.
  1. Paved road surface is normally 20 feet wide.
  2. Upgrading a limerock road for pavement includes excavation, stabilization of limerock base and a one inch application of asphalt for a road surface.
  3. In order to protect the edge of pavement all existing driveway aprons will be asphalted to the right-of-way line and will match existing widths. The cost of the driveway aprons will be an additional lump sum cost to the property owner(s) as determined by the Road Maintenance Division.

FOOTNOTES & REFERENCES TO RELATED AR's: Supersedes AR 11.06 dated 8/25/92, AR 11.06-2 dated 9/6/94 and AR 11.06-3 dated 12/4/2007