Administrative Regulation 2.08-1

SUBJECT: Fee Adoption ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: County Administrator


In an effort to limit tax levels while still providing a wide range of services, it is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners to fund selected services through the adoption of user fees.    These fees will be based on recapturing the costs associated with the service provided.

  1. All fees shall be established by the Board of County Commissioners though adoption of a fee resolution during a public meeting as a time certain agenda item.
  2. The Department/Division which provides the services for which fees are established shall conduct an analysis of the true costs associated with the service. This information shall be provided within the agenda backup. If the adopted fees are established by other means (Florida Statutes, a Code-based fee, etc.) that information shall be conveyed as well.
  3. Fees shall be remitted in full at time of service unless otherwise provided by rule or policy.
  4. Once adopted, fees shall posted prominently within the work area and/or provided in a fee schedule handout. In addition, fees shall be posted on-line within the County's website.
  5. Fee schedules shall be re-evaluated by the Department providing the service every three years. Should conditions or circumstances warrant, a shorter review period may be utilized. 
  6. Fee waivers or deferrals require Board approval unless otherwise provided by rule or policy. 
  7. Refund – a request for a refund shall be submitted in writing. A refund will not be considered if the service has been provided or in the case of documents or products, the document or product has been prepared. The decision on whether to award a refund rest with the Department Director. Should the Director deny the request, an appeal may be filed, in writing, with the Assistant County Administrator within ten working days. The decision of the Assistant County Administrator is final. 
  8. Fee Disputes – should the applicant believe that the final charge includes fees that are unwarranted, they may request a re-evaluation. Staff shall review the bill and adjust, if warranted. Should the applicant still disagree with the final charge, they may file a written request with the Department Director for a formal re-evaluation. The Department Director shall render a written decision within five working days. 
          Should the Director deny the request, an appeal may be filed in writing with the Assistant County Administrator within ten working            days. The decision of the Assistant County Administrator shall be final.

            The above procedure shall not apply when an alternative fee dispute policy established by rule or policy controls.

FOOTNOTES & REFERENCES TO RELATED AR’s: Supersedes AR 2.08 adopted April 26, 2011 LUB;