Administrative Regulation 3.01-5

SUBJECT: Communications Between the County Commission and the County Administration ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: County Administrator


The purpose of this administrative regulation is to establish guidelines and procedures to insure efficiency and accuracy in communications between the County Commission and County Administration. 


  1. Requests from the County Commissioners for reports or action shall be made through the County Administrator’s Office. To effectuate more efficient communication this process will enable designated staff to respond to the Commissioner’s requested action in trackable and uniform manner. 

    The County Administrator will evaluate and designate a respondee and a target timeline. If additional information such as correspondence, pictures, or other printed material is required as backup, these items shall accompany the response.
  2. Upon completion of the response, the Secretary to the Board will transmit the information to the County Administrator and/or the Assistant County Administrator for review and assignment. Department/Office Directors will be responsible for ensuring the request is addressed properly in a timely manner.
  3. If the subject matter requires the County Attorney’s attention or some other agency outside the Administrator’s authority, the Administrator’s Secretary will forward, the request to the Administrator for distribution to the appropriate authority; otherwise, the request will be sent to the appropriate Department and/or Office Director.
  4. The Secretary to the Board is charged with tracking the requested actions to insure that a response is obtained in a timely manner. In all cases, the Administrator shall receive a copy of the response.
  5. The sole exception to Procedure b. is action requests directed to Code Compliance. The Director of Planning & Development will appoint a designee to act as liaison between County Administration and the Board. The Secretary to the Board will transmit the requested Code Compliance action request to the appointed designee in addition to the Assistant County Administrator.
  6. The Administrator’s Office, as well as the Secretary to the Board, shall receive a copy of the response and any additional information pertaining to the action or request.
  7. Response to the request will be provided to the originating Commissioner with a copy retained by both the Administrator and Secretary to the Board.
  8. Any action or request exceeding the guidelines noted in Paragraphs a. – g. will be returned to the County Administrator’s Office for proper processing and distribution. In the case of an emergency where life or property is endangered, the County Administrator has the authority to waive or modify this procedure.
  9. If any employee has a question regarding the interpretation of the above policy and procedure, they should contact their respective Department/Office Director for clarification. 

FOOTNOTES & REFERENCES RELATED TO AR's: Supersedes A.R. 3.01 dated September 28, 1981, A.R. 3.01-1 dated June 10, 1986; AR: 3.01-2 dated September 12, 2006; AR 3.01-3 dated May 13, 2008; and AR 3.01-4 dated December 7, 2010 (LUB).