Small Business Hazardous Waste

The Florida State Legislature requires all counties to implement a program called the "Small Quantity Generator" (SQG) Assessment Notification and Verification Program. The goal of this program is "protection of the environment by helping businesses understand and comply with hazardous waste regulations".

In Citrus County, there are almost 3,000 businesses that generate or have the potential to generate hazardous wastes. The hazardous waste staff understands that small businesses do not always have the resources or knowledge to ensure compliance with the SQG regulations so extra time is spent explaining regulations in common-sense terms. Staff attempts to suggest easy, inexpensive options a business can implement to achieve compliance.

Under Sections 403.7234 and 403.7225 of the Florida Statutes, each county must notify small businesses of their legal responsibilities for the proper management of hazardous wastes. In Citrus County, notification is accomplished and many questions can be answered through a brochure entitled The Facts about Hazardous Business Waste.

In addition, under the above Statutes, Citrus County SQG inspectors are required to inspect the waste management practices of at least 20% of the potential hazardous waste generators each year. Florida also authorizes that each county may impose a small quantity generator notification and verification surcharge, on each potential generator, to fund this program. In Citrus County, this is accomplished through the Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator Surcharge.

Over the years, the Florida DEP has enacted programs which are mutually beneficial to both industry and the environment. For example, the Pollution Prevention (P2) Program is a free, non-regulatory program that will conduct onsite technical audits and advise businesses of ways they can either significantly reduce or eliminate the amount of wastes they generate.

Finally, staff can not be everywhere so we rely on the community to notify us of anything that a business may be doing which is dangerous to the environment. If you see that a business is improperly managing their hazardous wastes, please notify our hazardous waste staff, either by telephone or by email, so that an inspection can be performed.

Citrus County businesses can use the Household Hazard Waste Program at the Landfill for their waste during our 3 day a week, 9 AM - 1PM collection times, or call to schedule an early morning appointment. Some of the waste products will require a fee. Also be informed that record keeping is required by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (D.E.P.).

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