Traffic Counts

trafficTraffic Monitoring Program:

The Engineering Division receives the traffic count data from Road Maintenance Division and uses a software program to run volume and classification reports for the traffic count stations.

Citrus County was for years a relatively rural county that has recently experienced tremendous growth, causing volume and congestion on its roadways typical of more developed counties. Several of the adjacent counties (Pasco, Hernando, and Sumter) have been identified as the “100 Fastest Growing Counties” in the U.S., according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The County is traversed by four principal arterials, three minor arterials and over 70 collector roads. Roadways are functionally classified as limited access, principal arterial, minor arterial, major collector, minor collector and local. These classifications are determined by land use and traffic volume. Roadways are further classified to the Level of Service A thru F which is determined by the operating level of the roadway with various traffic volumes.

The Road Maintenance Division, Traffic Control Section has responsibility for collecting, recording and maintaining traffic count data. Traffic counts are taken semi-annually at established count stations to determine changes in volume and distribution of vehicular traffic within the County. The standard duration of each count is 48 hours where counts are taken during the weekday to provide the average daily traffic (ADT).