Be a Community Champion for Citrus County Senior Citizens

Citrus County Senior Program is looking for “Community Champions” to help raise awareness about the issue of senior hunger in Citrus County. Community leaders are invited to help bring attention to the needs of seniors by volunteering to assist with Meals on Wheels deliveries during “Community Champions Week,” March 20 – March 24, 2023, as a part of the national March for Meals campaign.
As a Community Champion volunteer, you will accompany an experienced Meals on Wheels driver on their regular delivery route. You may ride with the driver if space allows, or you may also follow behind in your own vehicle if you prefer. If you are not able to commit to a two-hour block, we suggest following along in your own vehicle and notifying the driver when and if you have a need to leave.
To learn more about March for Meals, visit To volunteer, please call (352) 527-5975 or email