Project Dashboards

Welcome to Citrus County's Community Dashboard

This dashboard was created to keep our residents abreast of the status of Citrus County's ongoing projects. To learn more, please visit these pages:

Legislative Priorities
LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES: These projects have received financial appropriations from the Florida State Legislature.

Outstanding Commission Items
OUTSTANDING COMMISSION ITEMS: These priority projects are being tracked at the request of the Board of County Commissioners.

Septic to Sewer Projects

Strategic Planning Dashboard
STRATEGIC PLANNING DASHBOARD: These initiatives and projects are part of the our citizen-driven strategic plan, which begins with the County's vision, mission, strategic goals, and core values. The strategic planning process is designed to identify issues that may prevent Citrus County from achieving the mission and vision set forth by our residents.

About the Dashboards:
Special Projects Manager for Strategic Initiatives, Veronica Kampschroer, explains AchieveIt, a strategic planning and execution software used by business and government organizations such as NASA, the U.S. Veterans Administration, and Citrus County: